Come See Me at Arisia in January

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be at the Arisia conference in January once again. I’ve been placed on a number of great panels, and should be able to publish that soon, once programming is finalized ?

I’ll also be selling some of my books at the Broad Universe table and will be doing a reading at some point during the weekend.

Arisia takes place from January 13 – 16 at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Hope to see you there!


Necessary Writing Tools

I meant to post this on November 1, when NaNoWriMo–National Novel Writing Month–began. NaNoWriMo leads writers through a month of intensive creation, culminating with a draft novel, or 50,000 words spread across other projects.

I’m not participating in NaNoWriMo per se–I’ve tried in the past and I always fall short, and it gives me the sads 🙁   I’ve been trying to write more, though, in between my editing gig.

When I have my writing tools, I’m more successful. My primary writing space is a three-season porch, which creates some difficulties beginning around November:

  • It’s cold
  • I get cold easily
  • The wood-burning stove is in the living room’
  • Did I mention I get cold?

Despite its lack of perfection, I love the porch because it’s sunny and it’s filled with my stuff. If I’m surrounded by the right tools, I find I can still manage to write out here fairly well.

Necessary writing tool. (This is Isis–her littermate, Anubis, was sitting on the back of my chair with his head in my neck.)

The things on my must-have list for writing out here include:

  • Coffee warmer, to keep the coffee hot (or other hot beverage of your choice.  The writer’s fuel. )
  • Portable heater, pretty self-explanatory. Someday I’ll have more money and maybe I’ll get a faux fireplace out here…
  • Cats.
  • Not pictured because not pulled out yet–fingerless gloves and thick wool socks.

The most important thing you can do is find what works for you!



Reading in Cambridge in November

I’m so excited to join other authors in the Wicked Witches anthology for a reading in November! All of the authors live in New England and are members of New England Horror Writers.

The reading begins at 7pm at Pandemonium in Cambridge, MA, on Saturday, November 19th.


The lineup is:

James A. Moore
John M. McIlveen
Errick Danger Nunnally
Remy Flagg
Doug Rinaldi
Trisha Wooldridge
Morven Westfield
Izzy Lee
Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert

I hope to see you there!




Coming Soon–In Time for Halloween!

I’ve got two pieces of work that will be published by Halloween. Fittingly, both are horror pieces!

A short story, Traitorous, Lying, Little Star will be republished by Digital Fiction Publishing Corp. in their all women horror anthology, Killing It Softly. The Kindle version may be available as soon as next month. I’ll keep you posted here and on my author Facebook page.

A poem, “That Witch We Dread,” will be published in the third anthology of the New England Horror Writers, titled Wicked Witches.

I have some other writerly news as well, but I’m not ready to disclose it yet.

NEW! I’d love to get more followers both here and at my Facebook page, so please share a link to either on Facebook, twitter, or elsewhere, and if you do I’ll enter your name into a drawing to receive a free book! (Feel free to tag me or zip me an email if you’re afraid I won’t see that you’ve shared.) The drawing will take place on or around Halloween, and the giveaway will involve at least one of the books mentioned above. I’m thinking I’ll draw at least two names, maybe three if I’m feeling generous 😉





I wanted to give a brief update on some recent work I’ve had accepted.

My poem “That Witch We Dread” will be part of the New England Horror Writers Upcoming Anthology, Wicked Witches. The anthology release date is (when else?) on October 31, 2016.

I’ve just signed the contact for my horror short story, Traitorous, Lying, Little Star, to be reprinted by Digital Fiction Publishing. I don’t have the ETA on that yet.

In writing news… I’m STILL revising my horror/scifi novelette, Vegetables, and I have a cat-themed short story in progress for an anthology by Pole to Pole Publishing.

Lots of good stuff happening… 🙂


Religion and Scifi Works from Panel at Ro-Con

It’s taken over a week, but here is the list of works mentioned at the “Scifi/Fantasy Works as Religion” panel I was on at Ro-Con. We spent the bulk of the time discussing why SF/F works take the “place” of religion for some people. Then we spent several minutes discussing some works that have religious themes–either by incorporating existing religions, creating new ones, or having religion-like aspects.

The ones with asterisks (*) are among my personal favorites.

The ones indicated with  ^^ symbols before them denote authors who have religious/political views that are offensive to many people, or the author has otherwise behaved abhorrently (in the case of Marion Zimmer Bradley.) So, if you’re interested in these works but don’t want to support the authors/their estates, try to borrow a copy or get these works from your public library rather than purchasing them.


*American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Terry Pratchett’s “Small Gods” series

Almost anything by Ursula LeGuin

*Earthseed books by Octavia Butler (Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents. And for the record, Parable of the Sower is my FAVE BOOK EVA.)

*A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller

*The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons

Dune saga by Frank Herbert

^^ Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

*The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell (and the follow-up, Children of God)

^^ Many works by C.S. Lewis

^^ Some works by Orson Scott Card

The Left Behind Series

Waiting for the Galactic Bus by Parke Goodwin

Various works by Robert Anton Wilson (especially those co-authored with by Robert Shea)

The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud



Babylon 5

*Star Trek: Deep Space Nine



*The Leftovers (it was mentioned that there is a movie by the same name, but I couldn’t find a reference to it online)


As you can see, this is a small list, since this was not the crux of the panel. But let’s keep the discussion going! Have any comments on what’s listed, or want to add your own suggestions? Comment below.