Poetry Acceptances
Somehow, Thanksgiving is almost here and the end of the 2010’s is looming. Writer-wise, I was largely inactive during 2019. I wasn’t feeling compelled to write by the time March rolled around, and then by May discovered painting. I’ve just recently begun to write a new short story.
The one piece of writing I completed before my hiatus was a horror-themed poem that was accepted into Horror Writers Association (HWA) annual poetry showcase. (The kindle version has just been released and hardcovers should follow in a few days or so.) That poem, “It is Forever Stalking You,” was written as I was experiencing a depressive episode and chronicles what that feels like.

I’ve also just received word that my space-themed poem “Reincarnation” was accepted into the charity anthology Beneath Strange Stars by TL;DR Press. The proceeds from this collection of short stories and poetry will benefit the UK-based Association for Science Education. (Science education–a cause near and dear to my heart!) This collection will be available to purchase in January 2020.

Upcoming Appearances
I plan to attend Boskone in Boston in February 2020 (where I’ll be a panelist) and should be attending at least part of Arisia in January. When not on panels at either of these conventions, you can find me at the Broad Universe table in the Dealer’s Room.
A Final Note…
I appeared at Stillwater Books in Pawtucket, RI, with three other women horror writers in October. They have a few of my books on consignment, so check them out if you’re in the area!