My 2018 Arisia Schedule

I’ll be attending and panellng at Arisia Boston again. This year, Arisia (large scifi/genre/lifestyle conference) takes place January 12–15.

My schedule is light this year.

Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading, Saturday 10am in Adams

Join me and  other members of Broad Universe for snippets of each writer’s work–we each get several minutes to dazzle the audience with our words, and we always have free chocolate, book giveaways, and lots of swag and other freebies. Always a fun time! Readers will include: Morven Westfield (moderator), Victoria Sandbrook, LJ Cohen, Larissa Glasser, Julie C. Day, Dianna Sanchez,  Randee Dawn, Trisha J. Wooldridge, Anna Erishkigal, Heather Albano, and me! We typically have last-minute additions as well.


Feminism Today, Sunday 2:30pm in Marina 4

Description: “Feminism has had “waves” – our feminism is different from our parents, and their parent’s. What are the differences? How has the current social climate changed feminism and our experience of it? Let’s examine how it influences everything from science fiction awards to our everyday interactions.”

Panelists: Me (moderator), Jacqui B., David Larochelle, Rose H., Mikki Kendall (Arisia GOH)


The Power of Teen Movies, Sunday 5:30pm in Adams

Description: “The teenager, as a concept, is a relatively recent invention. And attitudes and beliefs about this transitional period between childhood and adulthood have changed over the years. What’s the best way to understand how the way in which we think about teenagers has shifted? Teen movies, of course. From Rebel Without a Cause to The Breakfast Club to Mean Girls, we’ll look at the impact of teen movies and what they say about being a teenager.”

Panelists: Me (moderator), Robin B., Gabriel V., Danny Miller


What would you like us to discuss on the panels? Please comment below.


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